Jobs View

Jobs View




Job List Overview

1 - Quick Access to Dashboard/Search/Endpoint Grid

2 - User Management

3 - Job Listing View and Description

4 - Endpoint Status Area

 5- Scheduled Searches


The Job List page shows a listing of all you Interrogate jobs, allows you to create new jobs (with proper credentials) and displays endpoint information.

See Creating a Job for information on how to create jobs

Log Out and User Management

The top right user icon allows you to log out of the system and gain access to user management controls.

Job List

The job list shows you all accessible jobs currently available. Selecting the name of the job will direct you to the Search List. Selecting "Remove" will remove/hide the job from your view. In the current version of Interrogate the job is NOT deleted from the master database. It simply hides the Job from your view and thus makes it inaccessible. NOTE: Since jobs are not deleted from the database, it is not possible to duplicate job names. If you select a duplicate job name, you will see a message telling you that the job already exists in the database. Simply select a new name for your job or amend your job name with a "_2" or the date.

Endpoint Status

The job list shows you the status of your endpoints from a high level. Total Endpoints displays the current number of endpoints along with the online/offline status. Endpoints Offline displays the amount of time that endpoint agents have been offline. 


Offline Status

It is completely normal for agents to be offline. For example, if an employee is on vacation or traveling their desktop or laptop may be turned off or in sleep mode. Interrogate keeps track of this and will begin to show the amount of days an endpoint has been offline. As agents begin to cross the 8-14 day threshold you may want to check in on the computer in question to verify whether the endpoint should or should not be communicating with Interrogate.


Initial Crawl

Upon installation, the initial crawl and index of the system will begin. During this process the endpoint will show as "indexing" and once finished change to "complete". 


Initial Crawl

Before you execute a search, an endpoint must have completed the initial crawl or you may receive incomplete search results.