Find Parent Emails

Find Parent Emails

For those users who work in E-Discovery and are concerned with email related parent/child relationships, the "Find Parent Emails" will aid in the collection process by identifying the parent emails and allowing a user to collect only parent emails as opposed to parent and child.

E-Discovery File Definitions

Parent - A top-level message which contains at least one attachment

Child - An attachment to an email

Loose File - A non-email related file such as a Word document or PDF file. Loose files are normally organized on a file system in a folder structure. 

Find Parent Emails is an action button found on the collect files page. Once selected, each endpoint that is in-scope within the search will receive a command to identify the parent child relationships. As you select the "Refresh" button, you will see the message "Found X email messages" as endpoints run the identification process. One the system is finished, the "Find Parent Emails" button will be grayed out and no can no longer be selected. 

When the process has completed, attachments (children) in your search results grid will now display an icon indicating that there is a parent associated with the file. If you hover your cursor over the icon, the parent name will be displayed.

If you wish to collect only parent emails, you can select the "Collect only Parent Emails" selection in the advanced collection area. Regardless of the files you have selected in the grid, only parent emails will be collected. Attachments and loose files will be ignored during the collection. The number of files collected should match the message "Found X email messages" in the top left corner of your search criteria grid. 

For those who are processing information for legal review platforms, the collect only parent emails function can be used so that parent/child relationships are maintained throughout the review workflow. It also reduces the amount of files that may need to be collected. 

It is not recommended to run "Find Parent Emails" on broad, inventory-style searches. This function is intended to be run on specific keyword or query searches where relevant information is detected in email or attachments.