Delete Files

The Delete Files button can be found on your Search Details Summary page in the upper right corner. 

CAUTION: The delete command is a destructive process. Files on endpoints will be deleted and can not be undone once the command is sent. Proceed with extreme caution when attempting to perform mass deletion across many endpoints.

To delete files:

  1. Once a search is complete, select the files you wish to delete using the line item (checkbox) selection and then click "Delete Files" on the Search Details Window.
  2. Add a Group Name and then select "Delete" in the file pop-up message. Select cancel if you do not wish to continue.
  3. As a fail-safe step, please type the word "delete" in the second box and click "Proceed". The enter key will not allow you to proceed.

Action Card showing a queued deletion

Collect Action card selected showing all files in the intended collection. 

A Delete action card will be created and show a status of "queued" as endpoints begin checking in and picking up their delete request. The status will move to "deleting" once files begin to delete off the endpoint. File-level status can be viewed at the far right of the delete action card. If you would like to view files that are queued for deletion you may sort on the column by clicking on the column header.

Maximum File Size

Files larger than 100MB must be deleted outside of Interrogate.

Search Details Deleted Files

Interrogate can not delete files from containers (PST, OST, ZIP).

Deleted Files

Files identified as deleted will not be deleted as they no longer exist on the endpoint.