Tagging Library

Tagging Library

Heureka's ACT (Advanced Classification & Tagging) library is a centralized area to create, edit, delete, import and export tags or classifications. The library tracks files by their SHA1 or MD5 hash value as they can be considered a file's fingerprint. All tags or override of tags will be displayed in the tag library grid.


Files that have been automatically classified by Heureka's daily classification engine will not be displayed in the Tag Library. Only files that have been custom tagged or reclassified or imported from an outside source will be displayed in the library.

Files without tags

A file that does not contain any tags represents a file that has had its original tagging overridden. If you need a file to return to its original Heureka classification simply use the delete function from the "Tagging Actions" dropdown. When endpoints run their daily index/reclassification the file will be reclassified automatically to its original value.

Master tagging library

If your Heureka license supports Tagging, you will see a button on the main page called "Tagging". If you would like to enable tagging, please contact your sales representative or contact sales at sales@heurekasoftware.com

In order to navigate to the tagging library, click on the "Tagging" icon on the Heureka Console page. Your tag library will automatically appear. If you have not tagged any files in the system yet, the tag library will be empty.

Image showing optional tagging button

Tagging Actions - Create Tag

If you need to create a tag based on a hash value you may use the "Create Tag" function from the "Tagging Actions" dropdown list found at the top-left of the list grid. 

  1. Enter your hash value
  2. Select the type of hash (SHA-1 or MD5)
  3. Use "Add Heureka Tag" to apply a built-in Heureka classification tag OR
  4. Type your custom tag name in the "Add Custom Tag" and select the " + " sign to add it. 
  5. Use the " - " in the "Tags" area to remove a tag or if you have made a mistake. NOTE: Tag names cannot be edited in the "Tags" area.
  6. Optionally - If your tag contains a numerical value or you wish to apply a sub-tag you may input it in the "Value" area (see example at right).
  7. Click "Create" to apply your tags to the hash value you have entered

Your hash value will automatically be added to the hash library with your tag values. If you have added a Heureka Tag with a numeric value, the numeric value with appear in the "Risk Score" area.

Creating a tag for an existing hash value will overwrite any existing tags. 

Create tag input window

Tagging Actions - Edit Tags

Single File Tag Workflow

  1. If you would like add or edit the tags on a file in your search results, simply select that file with the checkbox next to the hash value.
  2. Select Tagging Actions > Edit Tags
  3. You may add an existing Heureka Classification tag by selecting the "Add Heureka Tag" dropdown list followed by "+"
  4. Or, you may add your own tag by typing your tag name in the "Add Custom Tag" area followed by "+"
  5. You may edit an existing tag's value in the "Tags" area or select the " - " to remove the tag from the file.
  6. Select "Save" to commit your desired tag changes to that file.

New or modified tags will show up in the tag library interface.

Single file edit tag input window

Multi-file Tag Workflow

  1. When two or more hash values are selected in the library, you cannot edit existing tags as the files select may all contain different tag combinations. 
  2. You may add and edit existing Heureka Classification tags by selecting the "Add Heureka Tag" dropdown list followed by "+"
  3. Or, you may add your own tag by typing your tag name in the "Add Custom Tag" area followed by "+"
  4. There are three edit mode options to select from:
    1. Merge - Merges the new tag choice with the existing tags
    2. Overwrite - Tag choices override the existing tags for the files selected
    3. Remove - Removes the tag choices from the selected files

Added or modified tags will begin appearing in the "tags" area of your tag library.

Multi file edit tag input window

Tagging Actions - Delete Selected

  1. Select one or multiple Hash values
  2. Select Tagging Actions > Delete Selected
  3. Select Yes/No on the pop-up message

Any hash value deleted from the tag library will automatically get reclassified by the automatic Heureka classification action. For example, if the file was previously classified as containing PII information, that tag data will get reapplied to all existing, matching files.

Tagging Actions - Import Tags

Heureka can import tag information from E-Discovery review platforms as well as A.I./Machine learning analytics systems. 

  1. Select Tagging Actions > Import Tags
  2. Browse to the CSV file exported from your review or analytics platforms
  3. Select the system you are importing from. Each system has specific templates built-in to automatically accept tags in specific formats.
  4. Select your import mode
    1. Merge - Merges the new tag choice with the existing tags
    2. Overwrite - Tag choices override the existing tags for the files selected
    3. Remove - Removes the tag choices from the selected files
    4. Delete - Will delete all hash values contained in your CSV import file. See "Bulk Delete Workflow" section for more information
  5. Your imported hash values and tags will begin to be imported into the library. You may click on the recycle icon ♻ at the top right for a refresh of the import process.

Import tag window

Tagging Actions - Export Tags

You may export all of your Heureka tagging intelligence from the system using the Export Tags feature.

  1. Select Tagging Actions > Export Tags
  2. Select either CSV or JSON format and select Yes/No to proceed

Bulk Tag Delete Workflow

You may want to bulk delete hash values and tags from your system. Follow the steps below to bulk delete files from your tag library. 

  1. Select Tagging Actions > Export Tags
  2. Select "CSV" as your export format, then "Yes"
  3. Open the generated file with a tool such as Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers
  4. Remove rows you do not want to be deleted
  5. Save your CSV file.
  6. Return to Heureka and select Tagging Actions > Import Tags
  7. Select your saved CSV file from step 5
  8. Select "Heureka" as your Import Format
  9. Select "Delete" from Import Mode and click the right-pointing arrow button

The tag importer will now begin deleting all hash values that were present in your CSV file. 

Hash values remaining in CSV file will be deleted from the tag library.

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