Saved Searches List

Saved Searches List




Saved Search Overview

1 - Breadcrumb navigation

2 - Search name information area

3 - Top 10 File Types Discovered (summary for all searches)



Breadcrumb Navigation

The breadcrumb navigation bar allows you to quickly move backward to your search or job. Simply click the desired hyperlink to return to the required page.

Search Name Information

Your saved searches are listed in the saved search grid. To view the search details simply click on the saved search name. Other information is available in the grid including the date created, matched file count and size in megabytes as well as a collected file count and size in megabytes. Click the "New Search" to create a search.

Clicking "Remove" from a search will remove the search from view. The current version of Interrogate does not delete the search from the database, rather hides the search from view. If you attempt to reuse the exact same name, you will be prompted by the system to create a different search.

Top 10 File Types Discovered

The top 10 grid gives you a quick summary display of all of your searches combined together.