Endpoint Details

Endpoint Details

The Endpoint Details screen shows you a complete listing of all the configured endpoint computers. This window gives a complete at-a-glace view of machine name, MAC Address, Operating System, Endpoint Status, Index Size, Last Checked-in indicator, Crawled Date, Install Date, and endpoint version number.

Endpoint Info is an excellent way to check in on the health of an endpoint. For example, you can easily see the last time your endpoint checked in the command console. This will show you if any endpoint has dropped offline or simply does not currently have a network connection.

Additionally you can see how fresh your endpoint index is by checking out the last Crawled Date.

The Version column will show you which version your endpoint is running and gives you a visual of endpoints that have not checked in and may have software that is out of date.

You may remove an endpoint from your system by using the "remove" button at the far end of the column. 

Selecting a machine name in the Endpoints grid will show you the hardware specs of the desired endpoint. You can easily navigate back to your endpoints grid with the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.

Endpoint Hardware View

Endpoint Renaming

Your endpoint is automatically named by your endpoint service when it was first installed and is displayed throughout the system as Endpoint Name. If you would like to rename your endpoint to display something more logical, you may use the endpoint details page. Simply click the "edit" pencil icon in the Endpoint Name Column, enter your new name and then select "save". Your new name will automatically be applied throughout the system including dashboard and groups.

Endpoint Actions

You may either group or remove multiple endpoints using the Endpoint Actions button. Simple select the endpoints using the checkbox at the left of the endpoint name and then select the endpoint actions button followed by your option.

Group Selected Endpoints

Create a Heureka endpoint group directly from the Endpoints grid.

Remove Selected Endpoints

Remove multiple endpoints from the endpoint grid. Once removed, your selected endpoints will no longer be shown in the Heureka endpoints grid or accessible in the search criteria page.

Endpoint Deletion

Caution should be taken when removing endpoints as it is difficult to re-enable!

Import/Export Actions

Export all to CSV

This option will export your endpoint grid to a CSV. All fields will be present within the CSV file.

Get Endpoint Group Import Template

This feature will export a CSV file with the following column headers; Endpoint ID, Machine Name, Endpoint Name, Group. You may use this template to help assemble group names outside of Heureka (LDAP or Active Directory). Once you have assigned groups using the "Group" column, you may import the group CSV file back into the system allowing you to auto-group endpoints. See the instructions below detailing out to import the groups. 

Import Endpoint Groups

To create groups externally, export the group template as explained above. Open the generated CSV file and input your desired group name in the "Group" column, If an endpoint (machine) is in more than one group, copy/paste the endpoint ID row into a new row and input the second (or more) group name.

In the example at the right, you will notice that the "heureka-pii" machine has been added to two different groups, Group 1 and Group 2 while "james-derrick" will only be placed in Group 1.

Once you are finished editing your CSV file, save it and close whatever program you are editing in. Select "Import Endpoint Groups" and browse to your newly modified CSV file and select the arrow. Your new groups will be automatically created within the system and the desired endpoints will automatically be assigned to the groups. 

Import/Export Actions drop-down

Example of Grouping within a template

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