User Administration
User Administration
The User Administration window enables creation or modification of users and permissions.
Steps for creating a new user:
- Select "New User"
- From the "New User" Window, select a job(s) that the new user will have access to.
- Type in First Name, Last Name and valid Email Address
- Select either "Auto Generate Password" for an auto generated password OR select "Enter The Password" and type a password into the password field.
- OPTION 1 - Select "Company Administrator" to give the user full access to all jobs/searches in the system.
- OPTION 2 - If you do not assign the new user company administrator privileges, you may individually select permissions from the permissions area. Assignments are listed below:
- Job Administrator - Administrator access to all permissions associate to a Job
- Collection - Ability to collect files identified in a search
- Quarantine- Ability to quarantine files identified in a search
- Delete - Ability to delete files identified in a search
7. Select "Active" checkbox to enable the user. (NOTE: To deactivate a user, simple deselect "Active" and save.
8. Select Save to save your new user or "Cancel" to cancel setup
Steps for editing an existing user:
- Click on the user in the user name grid
- Select "Edit" at the bottom of the name grid
- From the User Profile area, make any desired changes to job access, password or job permissions.
- Click on "Save Permission" at the bottom right of the Job Permissions area and then "Save" under the Users Grid to save the profile.
, multiple selections available,