Edit memory usage (RAM)

Edit memory usage (RAM)

File Share (Linux)

It is critical that any agent tasked with indexing a file share is spec'd with the proper amount of memory (RAM). Follow the instructions on the right to increase the amount of memory allocated to the indexing engine.

Endpoint configuration file

The following changes should be made to the endpoint configuration file:


  1. Determine how much ram the machine has: Open terminal and type free -g
  2. Open /var/lib/indexing-service/bin/indexing-service in an editor
  3. Find the maximum memory argument: -Xmx1024m
  4. Change this value to what is needed. Example for 8GB: -Xmx8192m
  5. Save the file
  6. Restart the service: sudo service indexing-service restart


Endpoint configuration file

For client on Windows, locate the following XML file:

C:\Program Files\Indexing Service\winsw\indexing-service.xml

  1. Open the indexing-service.xml with an editor (must run editor in Admin mode)
  2. Locate the line starting with <arguments> and scroll to the right until you see -Xmx1024m 
  3. Change this value to reflect the maximum amount of memory you would like the indexing engine to use
  4. Save the file
  5. Restart the indexing service


Endpoint configuration file

For clients on MacOS, located the following XML file:


  1. Open the plist file with an editor (must run editor in Admin mode)
  2. Locate the line <string>-Xmx1024m</string>
  3. Change the numerical value to reflect the maximum amount of memory you would like the indexing engine to use
  4. Save the file
  5. Restart the indexing service