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Live Search
placeholderLooking for something specific?

Heureka allows you to collect files identified in a search. To gain access to your downloaded files via FTP, we recommend a tool such as Filezilla.

Collect Files

The Collect Files button can be found in the "File Actions" dropdown from the upper right corner of your search details.

Collected files will be copied to a file or preservation share set up by your system administrator. 

  1. Once a search is complete, select the files you wish to collect using the line item (checkbox) selection and then click "Collect Files" on the Search Details Window.Add a Group Name and then select "Collect" in the file pop-up message. Select cancel if you do not wish to continue.
  2. See Heureka Express Export Options below for a detailed explanation of each export style.

Once the "Collect" button has been selected, the system will create a Collection Action card displaying the intended file count as well as a date stamp along with the user who created the action. 

The Collection action card will begin with a status of "queued" as endpoints begin checking in and picking up their collection request. The status will move to "Collecting" once file collection has begun. File-level status can be viewed at the far right. If you would like to view files that are queued for collection you may sort on the column by clicking on the column header.

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Collect file group name input. Group names will be displayed in the action card.

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Action Card showing a "Done" status with no errors

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Collect Action card selected showing all files in the intended collection

Heureka Express Export

Heureka has multiple options to make exporting data to outside platforms as easy as possible. Below are the options for exporting data.

A Group Name is Required for all options

Native Files

This option collects native files that are selected in your search results. All collected files remain in their native endpoint file path.

NOTE: Find Parent Emails is optional for this style.


The iCONECT/XERA export automatically creates a DAT/NATIVE/TEXT format by custodian. Files can then be imported to your iCONECT system using the standard import method.

NOTE: Find Parent Emails is optional for this export style.


The Logikcull option will be grayed out until "Find Parent Emails" has been run. Once parent emails have been identified, the option will be enabled. This setting exports parent and loose files separated by endpoint (custodian) in a .zip format. Each custodian zip file may then be uploaded to your Logikcull instance using your standard import technique. 

Relativity (DAT) - Use this format if you do not require external file processing

The Relativity DAT export automatically creates DAT/NATIVE/TEXT format by custodian. This format may NOT require files to be processed outside of Heureka depending on your documents or review technique. Files can be imported to Relativity using Relativity Desktop Client or a RIP.

Relativity (Native) - Use this format if you will be processing files outside of Heureka 

The Relativity native format exports files in their native format. This format requires external processing of data to acquire metadata and text. Once exported, files can be imported to Relativity using Relativity Desktop Client or a RIP.


The Zapproved option will be grayed out until "Find Parent Emails" has been run. Once parent emails have been identified, the option will be enabled. This setting exports parent and loose files separated by endpoint (custodian) in a .zip format. Each custodian zip file may then be uploaded to your Zapproved system using the Ingest tab in your project.

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Express Export showing "Find Parent Emails" option


Use advanced mode to customize your export for your review or business intelligence tool.

*NOTE: The "Find Parent Emails" must be run before running any parent email related export functions.

There are four advanced collection options 

Collect Options

  • All Search Results- All files selected in your search results will be collected
  • Only Parent Emails - Only the parent emails (including any children/attachments) will be collected from your selected results
  • Only Loose Files - Loose files (files not attached to email) only will be collected
  • Parent Emails and Loose Files - Parent emails (and children) and loose files only will be collected from your selected results. 

Load File

You can easily create a common review platform export by selecting the "Create an ediscovery collection + load file" option. Once selected, you can rename/number each collected file with a unique document identifier (control number). You may enter a prefix, starting number and a suffix as necessary. 

There are two options for collecting text. The first option Collect Pre-Processed Text Files Only, can be used to collect text-only from the endpoint. This process does not collect the native files and is normally used to export text to analytics platforms. The second option is Collect Both Native and Pre-processed Text Files. This option is the standard option for E-Discovery whereby native files and their corresponding text files will be collected.

Once exported, the files will be flattened to a Job Name > Search Name > Collection Name folder path. Native files will be placed in a native folder. Text files will be placed in a text folder and a corresponding load_file.dat will be produced.

Storage Options

There are two storage options which automatically ZIP the results into a single file.

  • One archive file containing all collected files - This option will create a single archived zip file for all of your endpoints (custodians).
  • One archive file per endpoint - This option will create a separate zip file for each of your endpoints (custodians).

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Files will be collected to your FTP file share location (either in the cloud or on-prem). File paths will be dropped and a single folder will be created for each individual native file. A DAT file named "load_file.dat" will be created and contains the Control ID number, metadata fields as well as the native load path to be used when importing native files through an automatic load process. 

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Example of final E-Discovery style export with native and text folders and load_file

Collected File Information

Files will keep their original file path and will appear in the collected folder in the following manner:

Heureka Job Name > Heureka Search Name > Heureka Machine Name_Endpoint ID > Endpoint File path


Using Heureka, I create a Job called Acme Energy with a search called HR Department. The HR Department consists of three employees (Judy Townsend, Pat Lewis, Patricia Turner). When I execute my search (Employee Record Search) I find documents on all three employee's laptops that I want to collect. When I click on the "Collect Files" button my collection will look like the following:

Acme Energy > Employee Record Search > Judy Townsend_126 > C > ...

titleMaximum File Size

Files larger than 100MB must be collected outside of Heureka.

titleSearch Details Summary Collected File Count

Heureka collects both loose files as well as files from PST, OST or ZIP. Heureka does NOT currently support other container types such as RAR at this time.

titleDeleted Files

Files identified as deleted will not be collected as they no longer exist on the endpoint.

You will be provided an FTP link which will act as your collection location. Please see your network administrator or contact Heureka support for more information.

Collecting file for E-Discovery Platforms

You can collect to common E-Discovery platforms such as iCONECT and Relativity by selecting the eDiscovery Options button on the Collect Files pages. A DAT/NATIVE file export will be performed. 

  • Select Create an ediscovery collection + load file option
  • Input your Control ID options (Prefix + Starting Document Number + Suffix)Control ID acts as the DOCID or document identifier in E-Discovery platforms

  • The prefix and suffix are optional fields. Most clients will, however use the Prefix field.
  • Select Collect
  • Files will be collected to your FTP file share location (either in the cloud or on-prem). File paths will be dropped and a single folder will be created for each individual native file. A DAT file named "load_file.dat" will be created and contains the Control ID number, metadata fields as well as the native load path to be used when importing native files through an automatic load process. 

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    Retrieving files from FTP (Cloud-Based Customers)

    Heureka recommends using a tool such as Filezilla (Mac or PC), Cyberduck (Mac) or WinSCP (PC) to retrieve your collected files from the FTP site.

    Cloud-based customers will be provided a host name for POC or Production environments. On-premises clients will have established their own credentials for FTP.  

    Filezilla Settings:

    Host: Provided by Heureka Support Staff

    Username: Your Heureka interface username

    Password: Your Heureka interface password

    Port: <Leave Blank>

    Once your host, username and password are input, select "Enter" to connect to your FTP site.

    Cyberduck Settings:

    Select "Open Connection" in the upper left corner and then select/fill in the options shown below:

    File Protocol: FTP-SSL (Explicit AUTH TLS)

    Server: Provided by Heureka Support Staff

    Port Number: 21

    User name: Your Heureka interface username

    Password: Your Heureka interface password

    Select "Connect" to connect to your FTP site.

    WinSCP Settings:

    File Protocol: FTP

    Encryption: TLS/SSL Explicit Encryption

    Host: Provided by Heureka Support Staff

    Port Number: 21

    User name: Your Heureka interface username

    Password: Your Heureka interface password

    Select "Login" to connect to your FTP site.

    Filezilla Settings Shown Above

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    Cyberduck Settings Shown Above

    WinSCP Settings Show Above

    Deleting files from FTP

    You may delete files or folders from your FTP by using your collection tool (such as Filezilla). Simply select the file or folder you wish to delete and then right-click > Delete. Your files/folders should begin the deletion process. 

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