Endpoint Index Start Point
Heureka's default index path begins at the directory where user files are usually stored: Windows "C:\Users", Mac OSX "/Users", Debian "/home". This start point is configurable, however this step should be completed before the installation process begins so-as to not waste time on the initial index scanning unnecessary files.
Editing Windows Index Start Point
If you have obtained your "install.bat" file listed in step three below, please make a copy of it before editing the file.
Using a text editor, open the "install.bat" file and locate the line beginning with "-DCRAWL_ROOT=". You will be editing the information directly after the equal sign "=". In the example at the right, you can see that the start location for indexing is a folder named "Example Folder" located on the desktop of the computer.
Please keep in mind that if there are any spaces in the path, it must be enclosed in quotation (") marks.
DO NOT alter any other information inside the "install.bat" file. Once your path is changed, save and close your "install.bat" file.
Editing Macintosh Index Path
If you have obtained your "agent.config" file listed in the Macintosh Instructions > step five below, please make a copy of it before editing the file.
Using a text editor, open the "agent.config" file and locate the line beginning with "endpoint.indexer.crawlPaths=". You will be editing the information directly after the equal sign "=". In the example at the right, you can see that the start location for indexing is a folder named "Test Folder" located on the desktop of the computer.
DO NOT alter any other information inside the "install.bat" file.
Once your path is changed you need to verify that the TextEdit program has not changed your file into Rich Text Format (rtf). Go to Format > Make Plain Text and then save/close your "agent.config" file. Your file should not have a ".rtf" extension on the end.
Install.bat example showing custom folder path
title | License File |
Auto Updating
The Endpoint installer is auto-updating. The installer installs the auto-updating service which then reaches out
to an update service to obtain the latest version of the endpoint software. The initial install can take some time
due to it reaching out to the update service and downloading the update. The log file can be viewed to see
download progress during this process.
Files Provided
- An auto-updater configuration file updater.config
- An indexer configuration file agent.config
- Platform-specific installers:
- For Windows endpoint-installer-<version>.msi
- For Mac endpoint-installer-<version>.pkg
- For Linux
- Deb-based endpoint-installer-<version>.deb
- RHEL rpm-based endpoint-installer-rhel-<version>.rpm
- Fedora rpm-based endpoint-installer-fedora-<version.rpm
The install process for all platforms is to run the platform-specific installer, then copy the configuration files to a
designated directory within the service's installation folder.
Installation Options
The agent.config file contains properties used by the Endpoint service. It may be desirable to change
some of the options, for example the crawl path where indexing is done. By default it is set to C:/Users on
Windows, /Users on Mac, and /home on Linux. To change where indexing is done, change the value of
the endpoint.indexer.crawlPaths property in the agent.config file.
This should be configured before copying the config file to it's destination, so that indexing does not start in the wrong location. This
property is a comma-separated list of directories to crawl. An example property is present in the provided
config file that should look like # endpoint.indexer.crawlPaths=... , this line can be uncommented
(remove the # from the front of the line) and modified, or a new one can be added on it's own line anywhere
in the file.
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Installing the Windows endpoint service for cloud-based installation
Create a folder on your desktop named "HeurekaAgent"Once provided, move the "install.bat" file into the same folder as the downloaded executable file obtained in step 2.
Right-click the "install.bat" file and select "Run as Administrator" and select "Yes" when prompted to allow the program to make changes to the computer.
As a reminder, this is a silent install so you may not see prompts on screen. Navigate to your Task Manager > Services. You should now see a service running called "Indexing Service".
To verify that the installation has occurred, launch the task manager, select the "Processes" tab at the top and scroll until you are viewing "Background Processes". Windows 7 users should see "HeurekaAgent.ext *32" and "HeurekaAgentHelper.exe *32" running. In Windows 8+ please look for "Java(tm) Platform SE binary (32 bit). Expand this process and you should see "HeurekaAgent" running.
Your system should now be indexing. Depending on the start point of your index, the initial index will take some time to complete. Once finished, you will see a "Crawled Date" in Interrogate > Configuration > Endpoints.
Image showing downloaded .exe file and install.bat
Step 7 showing Indexing Service running in Windows 8+
Step 8 showing Indexing Service process running in Windows 10
Step 10 showing Interrogate > Configuration > Endpoint agent Crawled Date
1. Download the files.
2. Install the msi file.
3. If prompted for allowing the app to make changes to the devices, select "Yes"
4. Move the configuration files to this directory:
- 32-bit windows: C:/Program Files/Indexing Service/conf
- 64-bit windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/Indexing Service/conf
5. Verify the install is complete by checking that a service named "Indexing Service" has appeared in the Services list (Start - run - services.msc ) and is running. The machine should appear in the Endpoints page of the Interrogate web application.
If the machine does not appear in Interrogate contact a Heureka representative for troubleshooting steps.
Uninstall Steps
Obtain an uninstallation script from a Heureka representative.
Log Files
Log files for the Endpoint service are present in
- 32-bit windows: C:\Program Files\Indexing Service\log
- 64-bit windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Indexing Service\log
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Before installing an endpoint service you must have a valid license file provided by Heureka Software.
Installing the Macintosh endpoint service for cloud-based installation
1. Open
a terminal window on your Macintosh. This can be found in MacintoshHD >the terminal: Applications > Utilities > Terminal
or type "Terminal" in the search tool in the upper right corner.Type the following command into your terminal window: sudo mkdir -p
2. Run the provided installer file via
sudo installer -verboseR -pkg endpoint-installer-<version>.pkg -target /
3. Move the configuration files into the location used by the Endpoint service
In your terminal window, type open
Via terminal (replace the sources with the real paths on the machine):
sudo mv ~/path/to/agent.config /usr/local/opt/heureka-agent/conf
Obtain the installer package (usually downloadable from an email link from a Heureka Support Representative) and place in the conf folder created in step 2.
Contact Heureka to obtain your agent.config and updater.config files. These files contain the information necessary to configure the endpoint service and endpoint updater services to talk to Heureka's backend services.
Once provided, move the "agent.config" and "updater.config" files into the conf folder with your installer. (You may be required to authenticate the move into the folder). Click "Authenticate" and then enter your password if prompted.
Double-click the "heureka-agent.pkg" installer and follow the prompts to install. You will be required to re-enter your password.
If successful, you should see the "Installation was completed successfully" message in the installer. Click "Close" to close the installer. You will notice that the installer created several additional files in your conf folder. Open a console window (type "console" in your spotlight search) and expand the /var/log directory. Look for the com.heurekasoftware.agent.log and click on it. You should see information scrolling in the window verifying that your index process has begun. Close the console window.
Depending on the start point of your index, the initial index will take some time to complete. Once finished, you will see a "Crawled Date" in Interrogate > Configuration > Endpoints.
Step 2 - Image showing terminal window with sudo command
Step 5 - Image showing conf folder with agent.config and downloaded heureka-agent.pkg
Step 8 - Image showing successful installation screen
Step 10 showing Interrogate > Configuration > Endpoint agent Crawled Date
sudo mv ~/path/to/updater.config /usr/local/opt/heureka-agent/conf/updater.config
Or by launching Finder from inside this directory
open /usr/local/opt/heureka-agent/conf , then dragging-and-dropping agent.config and updater.config
4. Verify the install is complete by checking that the machine appears in the Endpoints page of the
Interrogate web application.
Uninstall Steps
Run the following commands from a terminal window:
sudo launchctl stop com.heurekasoftware.agent
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.heurekasoftware.agent.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.heurekasoftware.agent.plist
sudo rm -rf /var/log/com.heurekasoftware.agent*
2. Delete the Endpoint from the Interrogate web application.