Live Search | ||||
The Search Criteria page is used to input all of your desired search criteria in which to perform a search. The criteria page is broken down into the following categories:
Any endpoint may stand alone or be grouped together with other endpoints. Previously created group names will be displayed in the endpoint drop-down list. New groups may be created or edited using the gear icon at the end of the drop-down list. See Managing Groups
Keywords may consist of a single word or a group of words. Previously created keyword groups can be found in the drop-down list where they can be selected. See Managing Keywords
File Name
You may search by any specific file name or groups of names. Previously created keyword groups can be found in the drop-down list where they can be selected. Once a group name is created you can add individual file names or import a text file containing a list of file names.
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Example: filename.pdf |
See Managing Groups
File Owner
During the index phase, Interrogate automatically creates a list of all available file owners. All available file owners will show in the available grid. Previously created file owner groups can be found in the drop-down list where they can be selected.
A file hash is similar to a human fingerprint. It is a unique identification for each file on a system. Interrogate accepts MD-5 or SHA-1 input values. Interrogate is pre-populated with an extensive list of known Malware Indicators of Compromise which may be selected in the drop-down list. All pre-populated IOC's contain valid MD-5 or SHA-1 hash values. You may create your own Hash groups by inputting valid MD-5 or SHA-1 values. You may also import text based files containing your desired hash values.
You may search any endpoint for files with specific extensions. Previously created extension groups can be found in the drop-down list where they can be selected. Interrogate is pre-populated with over 3000 file extensions in which to search and select from. You will find your extension list once you create and name an extension group.
Start Date
You may select a beginning date to help narrow your results. You may type your beginning date or use the built-in calendar from which to select.
End Date
You may select an end date to help narrow your results. You may type your end date or use the built-in calendar from which to select.
Quick Filters
During the index phase the endpoint service automatically identifies social security and major credit card content. The patterns quick filters section enables you to filter directly to a specific type of pattern and return only the information requested. For example, if you only wanted the system to return credit card information you would select your normal criteria and then check the "Credit Cards" checkbox in the pattern drop-down list. Only matched criteria containing credit cards will be returned during the search.
Deleted Files
During each index phase, the endpoint service keeps track of files that have been deleted on each endpoint. In order to be flagged as deleted in the system, a file must actually be deleted from the recycle or trash bin. Files that remain in the recycle or trash bin will be identified as such in the local file path column on the results grid.
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By default, deleted files are NOT returned on each search. You must specifically select the deleted files flag in Quick Filters in order to view deleted files. |
If selected, deleted files will show a deleted flag on the results page.